
Corporate News


Wood processing hydraulic presses Redefining Manufacturing Efficiency

In recent years, the wood processing hydraulic presses industry has witnessed a significant transformation, driven by advancements in hydraulic press technology. These powerful machines have emerged as indispensable tools in the manufacturing of various wood products, from furniture to construction materials.


Wood processing hydraulic press as the core to build suitable for China's IT service operation standards and norms

The Group believes that in the information age of economic globalization, informatization will become a necessary path for small and medium-sized enterprises to enhance their competitiveness, and e-commerce will become a key path for enterprises to realize informatization. Therefore, the Group will continue to focus on promoting the process of e-commerce and informatization of Chinese SMEs, keep innovating, and keep launching more and better services to build intelligent Chinese enterprises and achieve intelligent entrepreneurs!


Wood processing hydraulic press technology innovation is the key to core competitiveness

The Group believes that in the information age of economic globalization, informatization will become a necessary path for small and medium-sized enterprises to enhance their competitiveness, and e-commerce will become a key path for enterprises to realize informatization. Therefore, the Group will continue to focus on promoting the process of e-commerce and informatization of Chinese SMEs, keep innovating, and keep launching more and better services to build intelligent Chinese enterprises and achieve intelligent entrepreneurs!

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